Gifts for a Father Special

Enjoy two powerful books that will honor and bless the father's in your life! 

“A-Z Blessings for a Father” is a uniquely personal gift to honor any father in your life. Fill each page with memories and appreciation. Experience the wonderful connection that comes from taking time to celebrate someone special. Do it yourself or organize a “joint-family-fill-in”. 

“I thank my God every time I remember you.” Philippians 1:3

A perfect gift for fathers, sons, grandfathers, father-in-laws, step-fathers, godfathers, and significant mentors.

 Trading Up • A Woman’s Guide to Praying for the Men in Her Life 

Do you want to see the men in your life live with passion for the Lord, godly character, and great success? 

Trading Up  •  A Woman’s Guide to Praying for the Men in Her Life is an interactive, powerful guide to pray for your husband, son, father, brother, co-workers, and more.

  • Enjoy guided prayers with key verses from A-Z Men of the Bible (41 total).
  • Personalize your prayers by putting specific names in Scripture
  • Book measures 6.25” W x 8.5” H
  • 78 Pages - 8 color, 70 black and white

So trade in worrying and nagging and trade up to believing God’s Word, praying God’s Word, and watching God’s Word at work in all the men in your life!

“So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11

Reader Review: “So many of the King’s Daughters Trading Up books have blessed me! ‘A Women’s Guide to Praying for the Men in Her Life’ meant so much to me that I gave a copy to all the women in my Bible Study. Praying Scripture and claiming God’s promises over the men in our lives is so powerful. I am so grateful for Kings Daughters and the heart of their ministry.” - Shelle Sills, Dallas TX