the king's heart through art a-z
26 Gifts from The King’s Heart to Yours

Abba's Adoption Crown

Beloved's Bouquet of Blessing

Celebrating with The Father

Deliverer's Daisy Love

Empowered Christ in You

Fountain of the Holy Spirit

God's Heart for Israel

Healed by Jesus at the Cross

Infallible Word of God

Jesus' Life to the Full

King's Daughters Crown

Living by God's Every Word

Merciful Blood of Jesus

New Heart, New Spirit

Orchestrator of All

Pleasant Places of My Provider

Quieter of My Soul

Royal Thoughts of God

Speaker of Life

Triumph with The Lord's Prayer

Unstoppable Unity

Victor's Faith to Finish

Warrior & Worshipper

Xtraordinary Workmanship of God

Yeshua's Yes Lord

God of Zion Zeal for Greater Works to the World

Meet the Artist